Lisbon Group Meeting / Trobada del Grup Lisboa (Barcelona)

· Presentation

Benvinguts a la pàgina d’inscripció de la trobada annual del Grup Lisboa, que aquest any es celebra a Barcelona. Per tal de mantenir els costos al mínim possible, en consonància amb la resolució aprovada a Berlin a proposta de Portugal,  hem optat per un allotjament en alberg, en habitacions compartides de 4 persones.

Existeix la possibilitat de tenir alguna habitació doble o individual, però només si és necessari i sota disponibilitat a l’alberg.

El tema que proposem treballar engunay és “Aprenentatge i Servei”, tot i què també hi haurà un temps per parlar de Leadership, tal i com vam quedar en la darrera trobada a la Conferència Europea.

Esperem que us sentiu com a casa i que sigui una trobada ben profitosa i divertida per tots.

Ens veiem a Barcelona!

Welcome to the registration page of the annual meeting of the Lisbon Group, that is going to be held in Barcelona. To keep the expenses at minimum, in accordance with the resolution carried in the last ESC in Berlin proposed by Portugal, we decided to host you in a Hostel, in 4-beds shared rooms.

There’s some twin or individual rooms, but only if really necessary and upon availability.

The topic we propose for this meeting is “Learning and Service”, but we will find some time also to speak about Leadership as we agreed in the last meeting at the European Scout Conference.

We hope that all of you feel at home and that this meeting is going to be fruitful and amusing.

See you in Barcelona!!

· Program

 Friday 11th October

  • 17h-21h Arrivals
  • 21h – Dinner

Saturday 12th October

  • 9h –Work space
  • 13h – Lunch
  • 14h – Work space
  • 20h – Traditional dinner
  • 22h – Cultural night

Sunday 13th October

  • 10h – Work space
  • 13h – Lunch

  · Venue

For commodity and maximize the work, we are centralized the meeting in one place;  the Youth Hostel Pere Tarrés in Barcelona. This place is 40 minutes from de Barcelona airport and 20 minutes from the city center.

Mostra Group Lisboa en un mapa més gran

· Registration (one for participant)

· Fees

  • Shared room: 120€
  • Single or twin room(upon availability): 150€

· Contact

  • (0034) 932689113