L’estiu del 2015 es celebrarà a Japó la 23ena Jamboree mundial. Perquè un esdeveniment d’aquestes dimensions sigui possible es busquen persones que vulguin formar part de l’equip de preparació prèvia; t’hi atreveixes?
Què és l’equip de planificació de la Jamboree (JPT en les seves inicials en anglès)?
- JPT is the group of experienced people with different cultural background.
- JPT is going to advise on the Jamboree Planning from their experience and cultural background.
- Member of the JPT may be appointed as a member of other JamboreeOrganization, such as Jamboree Core Team (JCT) or Jamboree Delivery Team (JDT).
- JPT is solely a preparatory group; therefore, will not be able to attend the Jamboree as a member of the JPT. JPT members willing to participate theJamboree must register as a member of their national contingent, or as a member of other Jamboree teams. e.g. JCT, JDT, IST.
- Receiving periodical update of the Jamboree planning.
- Requested to advise on the planning of the event.
- Invited to observe the key planning meeting of the Jamboree at their own expense
+ informació a http://www.23wsj.jp/join-jamboree-planning-team.html
Si estas interessat/da, omple el següent formulari i ens posarem en contacte amb tu!!